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Replace Your Windows – 5 Obvious Signs

replace your windows

Replace Your Windows – 5 Obvious Signs

Replacing your windows is a popular home renovation project and something you will have to do eventually as a homeowner. When you see the following signs, it is definitely time to start exploring your options for energy efficient replacement windows. In this article, we are going to discuss about the 5 obvious signs to replace your windows.

Here are the top 5 obvious signs to replace your windows:

1. If your windows are made of wood or aluminum:

Windows made from these materials is dated technology. Our energy efficient windows are made using vinyl material, making the window frames rigid, not allowing air pockets to develop.

2. Your windows have broken glass, screens, or hardware:

Whether you a crack, damaged screens, broken hardware or that your windows are not working properly, these are all signs that it’s time to replace them, especially if you have issues with multiple windows in your home.

3. You have windows that are more than 20 years:

If your windows are more than 20 years old, the odds are they are costing you money on your energy bill. Plus, it’s only a matter of time before they become a bigger and potentially more costly repair project.

4. You notice hot or cold drafts are getting in through your windows:

Any type of draft coming from your windows is bad news. If air is getting through your windows then you have an air leak. This needs to be addressed.

5. Your energy bill is on the rise:

A continuous increase or spike in your energy bill is a sign that you have air leaks and the odds are your windows are the culprit. Rather than continue to have your windows cost you money, why not have them save you money by replacing your faulty windows with new energy efficient windows?

Are you looking for a great replacement windows company?

Ecotech Windows and Doors is the right option to consider. We provide you a free in-home window replacement installation estimate. Call us today at 1-888-880-6827.

If your windows are show some or all of these signs, give us a call to come out and take a look. We will talk with you about your replacement window options and provide you with a free estimate.

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